Welcome to Beautifully Fit Life

Being healthy & fit isn't a fad or a trend. Instead, it's a lifestyle!!! A beautiful life begins with a beautiful mind. Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside & out! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Friday, October 23, 2015

It's amazing when you check your mail and weren't expecting anything!! I just received my recognition for reaching Ruby rank in my business... its crazy to think how much I have accomplished in the past month!!! 
I ranked advance to Ruby and one week later I became a Diamond Coach which is a huge success/accomplishment in Beachbody world!!! I help people achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life on a daily basis. I absoltely LOVE what I do and I'm so PASSIONATE about it, that I made it a priority! It's my job and I love being able to work from home! 

Everyday I work on helping myself with personal growth and achieving my own fitness goals, but the best thing is while I'm helping myself I can help other at the same time. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world...!!! This is where my heart is and I love what I do!! 
I can't wait to get my Diamond gift in the mail...ekkkk! But until than I will take all this in... and be proud! 

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