Welcome to Beautifully Fit Life

Being healthy & fit isn't a fad or a trend. Instead, it's a lifestyle!!! A beautiful life begins with a beautiful mind. Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside & out! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

<<<<<<<< THANKFUL THURSDAY >>>>>>>>>>

I can't believe it!!!! I absolutely LOVE my job.... this is CRAZY!!!

I just received FREE gifts from Beachbody!!! YUP, you heard me correctly, FREE!!!! All because I did my job and helped at least 3 people in the month of September with their health and fitness goals. Never once would my other jobs just give me FREE stuff for doing my job!!! What other company does this?

I got P90X, P90Xplus, & P90X2 complete programs that would have cost me $299!!!! I'm beyond excited right now..... 

(------Now what???... Put it towards my collection or shall I give them away...hmmmmmmm... I just may have to keep them all to myself... or maybe to my team.. or even one of my challengers for reaching their fitness goals.. I just have no idea.-------------)

#fitdoggiemom #bossgirl #beautifullyfitlife #lovemyjob

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