Welcome to Beautifully Fit Life

Being healthy & fit isn't a fad or a trend. Instead, it's a lifestyle!!! A beautiful life begins with a beautiful mind. Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside & out! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

My accountability partners are truly taking ownership and responsibility for their health and fitness goals BEFORE the holidays! πŸŽƒπŸŽ
As preseason week comes to an end they are geared up and ready to work towards their results!! πŸ’ͺ
While several of my girls have seen DRASTIC ✅results (20+ pounds each AND inches lost) there's still MORE work to be done for us all (myself included). πŸ‘Œ
This could also be YOU!  πŸ‘Join me on our next journey together towards our health and fitness goals for the month of November! 
I'm also doing a HUGE giveaway! For ANYONE who purchases a BEACH BODY CHALLENGE PACK from ME starting today until the end of November will receive a $20 gift card AND be entered into a drawing to receive a FREE Fixate cook book with over 100 healthy recipes to jump start your progress! 
But it gets EVEN better! SHARE this post and you will ALSO be entered into the SAME drawing for the Fixate cookbook! 
As always: **LIKE**SHARE**POST**

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