Welcome to Beautifully Fit Life

Being healthy & fit isn't a fad or a trend. Instead, it's a lifestyle!!! A beautiful life begins with a beautiful mind. Beauty is being the best possible version of yourself on the inside & out! You are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

UPDATE -------> DOWN 5lbs in just 1 week!!!!!!! 

I'm honestly SUPER excited this morning when I stepped on the scale to find out that I am DOWN 5lbs in exactly 1 week. Last week this time I was preparing myself for my NEW fitness journey. I took measurements, weighed myself, took before pictures, set a strict meal plan, and got my schedule ready to begin my new program, Chalean Extreme!
Today I am officially on DAY 4. I have a TON of energy, stomach is NOT bloated, and I feel 5lbs lighter. I'm ready to KILL todays workout and another day of healthy eating with no diary, gluten or wheat. 
I'm not to my goal yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday!!! Even if it feels like I have a long way to go, as long as I keep working at it I will get there. Every pound I lose will feel better than being that pound heavier. 
One pound at a time! One step at a time. One day at a time. 
Success is in the details!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Alright peeps ‪#‎workoutwednesday‬ is here! 
Another day in the books for Chalean Extreme!!! Burn Circuit 2 just went down! My legs and arms are on FIRE!!! Here is a little bit of what todays workout consist of:
* Sumo squat with bicep curl
* Lunge with one-arm tricep extension
* Dead lift row
* Sumo squat with overhead tricep extension
* Dead life with double row
* Bowler's lunge with single-arm row
* Bicep curls with abductor balance
* Forward-lean lunge with double row
& triple-threat push-ups!!!
NOW that's a workout! 

I'm here and still kicking!!! I've made it to day 3 of my NEW fitness journey! 
Wow, I have to say yesterday was hard for me come around 2pm. I got a headache that wouldn't go away and I swear its from cheese withdrawals ( HAHAHAHAHA ). 
My body is going through some changes right now with me cutting out dairy, gluten, and wheat/bread but I know it's going be worth it in the long run! It may take a week or two for my body to adjust to these changes. 

I'm excited for today's workout which is Burn Circuit 2. Yesterday was a REST day according to the program so I did cardio for my workout. I felt weird to have just started a program and the 2nd day was a rest day BUT I'm following the program and there is a reason Chalean put it together like that. 
Time to FOCUS y'all... xoxo
"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it."
-Lou Holtz

Monday, July 11, 2016

Today is a NEW JOURNEY for me... you are probably wondering WHY, right ?? 
Well..... today is day 1 of changing some things in my diet. As of today I am not eating dairy, wheat/bread, and no gluten! I will be limiting alcohol, which is going to be hard this month only because it's my 32 bday in 9 days and I will be heading to Nashville in about 2 weeks BUT I'm focused and will be keeping myself accountable. I also have a ton of friends that are going to be super supportive and that are keeping me motivated and accountable. I'm also starting a new program which will last for 90 days! 
My meals are prepped for the week and I'm ready to begin my next fitness journey. You can follow my fitness journey in the next 90 days here or on my like page at https://www.facebook.com/beautifullyfit4life/?fref=ts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4 Things to Do for Your Health  This Summer
1. Give Your Diet a Berry Boost
If you do one thing this summer to improve your diet, have a cup of mixed fresh berries -- blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries -- every day. They'll help you load up on antioxidants, which may help prevent damage to tissues and reduce the risks of age-related illnesses. Blueberries and blackberries are especially antioxidant-rich.

A big bonus: Berries are also tops in fiber, which helps keep cholesterol low and may even help prevent some cancers.
Hint* Shakeology is a GREAT berry boost :) 

2. Get Dirty -- and Stress Less
To improve your stress level, plant a small garden, cultivate a flower box, or if space is really limited, plant a few flower pots -- indoors or out.

Just putting your hands in soil is "grounding." And when life feels like you're moving so fast your feet are barely touching the stuff, being mentally grounded can help relieve physical and mental stress.

3.Vacation Time!
Improve your heart health: take advantage of summer's slower schedule by using your vacation time to unwind.

Vacations have multiple benefits: They can help lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones such as cortisol, which contributes to a widening waist and an increased risk of heart disease.

4. Get Outside to Exercise
Pick one outdoor activity -- going on a hike, taking a nature walk, playing games such as tag with your kids, cycling, roller blading, or swimming -- Even take your Beachbody workout OnDemand and workout in the park! 

And remember, the family that plays together not only gets fit together -- it's also a great way to create bonding time.